Councilman Prine objects to override of Hyde Park Zoning
"Without having oversight ... we open Hyde Park residents to potential issues that we have tried to mitigate through our own zoning laws."
By Hyde Park Democrats

Fellow town board members.
I think that we should reconsider adopting Local Law G and have received phone calls and emails from our constituents urging the same.
Local Law G allows access to properties outside of Hyde Park Municipal boundaries that do not align with Hyde Park's own zoning laws. Were Local Law G enacted, it would require the residents of Hyde Park to be aware of any and all driveways and private roads providing access to neighboring municipalities. While I do believe it is necessary for residents to be involved and know what is happening in the community, it should not be solely on them to petition the town board to prohibit the use of these roadways. As an elected board, we should be protecting the residents of Hyde Park from potential adverse effects from surrounding municipalities.
The Dutchess County Department of planning and development has also expressed concerns about Local Law G and its lack of guiding standards and processes. The immediate benefactor of Local Law G is the Sixth Senses project. Residents and the towns Conservation Advisory Council have expressed concerns regarding this specific project for Hyde Park residents, which include: - Quality of life for local residents - Well water quality - Light pollution - Concerns for the Crum Elbow Stream - Impact on the local wildlife - Impact of sediment deposits down stream.in Hyde Park - Trout fishing for local fisherman
Without having oversight for roadways that enter neighboring municipalities whose zoning laws differ from those in Hyde Park, we open Hyde Park residents to potential issues that we have tried to mitigate through our own zoning laws.
Marc Prine
Ward 1
Town of Hyde Park, NY.
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